Ham Radio Software by DF3CB
I offer software packages available here for download. All packages are freeware.
Note: Due to the very high number of users of my software, I do not answer any support inquiries or e-mails for the software here on my website.
Fast Log Entry (FLE)
Fast Log Entry (FLE) is a text editor and logger to enter QSO data as easily and quickly as possible without redundancy in real time or offline. This tool is useful if you couldn't use a logging computer on your DXpedition or portable activity, if you want to digitize old paper logs or if you need a simple but efficient logger. FLE is now available as 64-bit application version V3 with new features.
RemAud - Low Latency & Low Bandwidth Amateur Radio VoIP Software
FTDXRC - (former FT2000RC) YAESU HF Transceiver CAT & Remote Control Software. Remote control your FT DX 5000, FT-2000 or FT-950 over the Internet.