DF3CB.com :: DXing
DXCC Challenge and DXCC Honor Roll


My main radio focus is collecting band-countries for the DXCC Challenge, the WAZ and WAS awards. DX is a journey not a destination. It doesn’t matter how many goals you can achieve, it is what you make of the experience along the way that really counts.

How it all began

I began DXing on HF one year after I got my license in 1977 at age 15. My first antenns were two low dipoles, one for 80 meters and one for 20 meters which were matched for 40, 15 and 10. DX attracted me and immediately brought me the idea to set my first goal: 5 Band DXCC. It took a few years but I made it with 100 watts and achieved it in Jan 1987. When that goal was reached, I built my first amplifier with a 3-500Z tube and replaced the radio with a Drake B-line. What a difference that made. My first QSO with the new amp was KP1 on 80m.

DXCC Honor Roll

After achieving 5-Band DXCC I thought: "I should be happy and proud now". But I wasn’t. When I had worked 3Y1EE - the first Peter I DXpedition - with my 20m dipole in January 1987, I set my next goal: DXCC Honor Roll. We moved to a new place and I could upgrade my station with my first tribander.

DXCC Honor Roll DF3CB
DXCC current needed deleted total needed
Mixed 340 0 11 351  
CW 339 1 11 350 P5
Phone 340 0 10 350  
Digital 338 2 9 347 BS7H KH3

All in all it took 16 years to get to the top of the Honor Roll. My last entity was Clipperton in 1992. In 1994 I was even on the top of the top of the DXCC Honor Roll. After a few more years I also reached top positon of the Phone and CW DXCC Honor Roll. I now need only P5 on CW as my last CW entity as well as two more entities on RTTY/Digital.

DXCC Challenge

Now being on the top I was again not really satisfied. Is that all I can do? No, let’s make it a little more difficult and let’s try to work as many countries as possible on each of the HF bands and Six Meters. I had found a real challenge that fascinated me. The DXCC Challenge Award is given for working and confirming at least 1,000 DXCC band-entities on any Amateur bands, 160 through 6 meters except 60 meters (deleted entities do not count for this award).

DXCC Challenge DF3CB
Band current needed deleted total needed
160m 305 35 6 311 ...
80m 332 8 6 338 3Y-B JD-M KH3 KH7K KH8 KH8S P5 VK0M
40m 339 1 10 349 P5
30m 339 1 9 348 P5
20m 340 0 10 350  
17m 339 1 7 346 P5
15m 340 0 10 350  
12m 335 5 7 342 BS7H KH4 KH5 KH7K P5
10m 339 1 11 350 BS7H
6m 230 110 2 232 ...
total 3238        

On Oct 27, 2009, DF3CB reached 3100 entities and the Top Ten of the link DXCC Challenge. I need only one more entity on each 40m, 30m, 17m and 10m, five on 12m and eight on 80m.

The Challenge continues